Vijay Gears, originally established in 1994 in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad), as “Virbhardra Industries,” has evolved into a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative mechanical solutions. In 2015, we began operating as Vijay Gears and started manufacturing our own designed Inline Helical Gearboxes and Planetary Gearboxes.
Certified under ISO 9001:2015, we uphold the highest standards of quality in every aspect of our operations. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are equipped with a robotic plant featuring the latest German technology, complemented by advanced inspection facilities to ensure the production of reliable and high-performance gearboxes.
Our commitment to excellence extends across India through a robust Pan-India dealer network, designed to guarantee efficient and prompt service delivery nationwide. Internationally, our presence is reinforced with an office in Germany, enhancing our ability to address the complex challenges of our customers worldwide.
At Vijay Gears, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and quality. We continuously engage in research and development to anticipate industry trends and deliver forward-thinking solutions. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction drives us to consistently exceed expectations, making us a trusted partner in the global industrial landscape.
At Vijay Gears, we highly value a culture of collaboration and service.
Mr. Digambar Muley, the founder- president of Vijay Gears, has been a trailblazer in the gear manufacturing industry. His visionary leadership and dedication to quality have propelled the company to the forefront of gearbox manufacturing. Under his guidance, Vijay Gears has become synonymous with precision, innovation, and excellence, serving a global clientele with superior products.